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Please support our Sponsors as without them we would not be a major sustainable event!


Kāpiti Ice Cream

Tip Top Ice Cream Company

The Chris and Melinda Leatham Charitable Trust Logo


Kāpiti News Logo 2023

The Hits Logo

SignCraft Kapiti Logo


ANZ Logo

Big Mac Slabs Furniture



Mike Pero Logo

Tuatara Brewing LogoBRONZE



Flightdec Logo



Supporting major events such as the Kāpiti Food Fair has been identified as a key action in long term economic development strategy of the Kāpiti Coast District Council.  Large events like the Fair attract visitors, which in turn generates spending at local hospitality and retail businesses, accommodation and on tourism activities in Kāpiti Coast. 

This recognition and funding is appreciated as we believe our mahi brings visitors to the Kāpiti Coast and contributes to the local economy.  In 2023, the total economic impact was estimated to be $2,762,561.  We received $30,000 that resulted in a return on invest of $34 for every dollar given to the Fair.  The Fair has been a recipient of the Major Events Fund since 2016, and we are very grateful for this ongoing support as it helps us market the event and the beautiful place we call home, Kāpiti Coast.

Kāpiti Coast NZ-KCDC logoThank You Sponsors

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