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Kāpiti Food Fair is good to go

11 June 2020

Kāpiti Food Fair is good to go

The Kāpiti Food Fair has taken COVID-19 seriously and respected Alert Levels’ 4, 3, 2 and now we have reached Level 1 we are super excited and good to go with our delivery which is a huge relief.  We have updated our Risk Management Plan so we can continue to respond to this global pandemic as needed and to work calmly through the steps as we carry on with all the work needed to make the Fair happen.

The Kāpiti Food Fair will run on Saturday 5 December with the health and wellbeing of everyone who engages being paramount to us – either, as a visitor, vendor, sponsor, volunteer, supplier, or crew, and, we will implement new initiatives to make sure of this.  We know that events like the Kāpiti Food Fair are going to play an important part in economic recovery at a local and national level and we look forward to being part of that.

L1 Good to Go

Two weeks ago, we decided to open for vendor registration and to hold payment of invoices for site fees until July as our way of seeing the readiness of vendors to book and be part of the 2020 Fair.  “The fantastic news is we have clicked over 100 sites,” says Helene Judge.  She goes on to say, “we have a number of new ideas in the pipeline to showcase Kāpiti this year so we are excited and we trust once visitors know about the changes, they will be confirming the date in their calendars for a fun and tasty day out at the Fair.”

“Last year saw the start of our three-year waste strategy to minimise waste to landfill – our goal was 80% diversion and we achieved 82%.  Aligned with this, the season is now right to push ahead with an agreed initiative to plant fruit trees in the Mazengarb community orchard,” says Jeanine van Kradenburg.  We have purchased big trees so they will be producing gorgeous free fruit for the Kāpiti community for years to come we hope: Liberty Heritage Apple, Granny Smith Apple, Duffs Early Jewel Plum and Meyer Lemons.  We will be planting with the Parks Team from Kāpiti Coast District Council very soon.

We are certainly in unprecedented times and things are continuing to change yet we fully endorse the Government’s stance of all working together to get through COVID.  Vendors are invited to book their site so they don’t miss out (250 maximum sites available) >>

Fill your life with good friends, good times and good food at the Kāpiti Food Fair.  The Fair is privately owned and operated as a business partnership between Helene Judge and Jeanine van Kradenburg.

For further information, contact:

Helene Judge, 027 244 9585 or Jeanine van Kradenburg, 021 605 488 or contact us.

KFF 2019

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