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Kāpiti Food Fair COVID Update 04-11-21

Kāpiti Food Fair COVID Update 04-11-21


Kāpiti Food Fair COVID Update

Kāpiti Coast, Wellington, New Zealand November 4, 2021: In the lead up to Kāpiti’s premiere foodie event, the team behind the Kāpiti Food Fair are thrilled and hugely relieved to share some GOOD news with the community, the vendors and those who plan on attending – they are GOOD to GO under NZ Government Alert Level 2 with unrestricted attendance on Saturday 4th December 2021 at the Mazengarb Reserve in Paraparaumu on the Kāpiti Coast, ka pai!

“Our event venue is a large outdoor green reserve and is owned by Kāpiti Coast District Council,” shared co-owner Helene Judge.  “They have signed off on our decision, along with our Covid Plan.  In addition, local Kāpiti Police are aware of our decision and will attend on the day.”

Established in 2008 as a community event, the Fair is owned and operated by Helene Judge and Jeanine van Kradenburg.  While the Fair’s vision is about making a lasting impression in the hearts, and tummies, of all foodies, they are on a mission to bring visitors into Kāpiti to experience ‘our place’ while having a fun and indulgent day out, as well as a safe one.

“Coming to this point has been challenging and required much korero, and sleepless nights for us as two owners of a privately owned and operated major event,” said Jeanine van Kradenburg.  “However, we are committed to running an amazing experience for everyone associated with the Fair so adhering to NZ Government Covid safety guidelines has been our top priority.”

The Kāpiti Food Fair rules of engagement on the day will be as follows:

  1. Stay home if you are feeling unwell or you have been asked to isolate.
  2. Masks to be worn by everyone except when eating or drinking or if you have an exemption.
  3. Take a seat when eating or drinking in our dining zones and the Tuatara Bar or BYO picnic blanket and spread out around the reserve.
  4. Maintain 1m social distancing from people you don’t know at all times.
  5. Scan in using the NZ Covid tracer APP or sign-in manually using our ballot box on arrival.
  6. Marked queues at Gate Entry 1 & 2 and contactless payment.
  7. Marked queues in the Tuatara Bar and the Stage will be fenced with seating.
  8. Plenty of Covid signage to remind about masks, the 1m rule and scanning.
  9. High touch areas will be regularly sanitised in our dining zones, the Tuatara Bar and toilets.
  10. Site Map aisles will be generous at 10m wide.
  11. For Vendors, keep your site clean and provide sanitiser for Visitors and contactless payment where possible – we will have an ATM operating on site for Visitors to access cash. The Site Map will be finalised shortly and emailed to all Vendors by mid-November.
  12. Follow our event safety measures at all times.

Special note: If we revert to Alert Level 3 or 4 as we lead-up to the Fair, we will RESCHEDULE and TRANSFER tickets to the 2022 Fair on Saturday 3 December 2022 or offer a 100% refund to Visitors.  For Vendors, we will transfer your site fee to 2022 or refund 75%.

VACCINATION: This is not a mandatory requirement until the new Traffic Light System is implemented.  This means we are not seeking this information from Visitors, or anyone associated with the Fair.  HOWEVER, our strong plea to EVERYONE is to get vaccinated for the safety of YOU, YOUR WHĀNAU, YOUR COMMUNITY.  Delta is not kind and does not discriminate so if you want a Christmas Summer holiday, or even a haircut, vaccination is the only choice.

“We need your help to be completely ready for a safe, tasty and indulgent event with GOOD friends, GOOD times and GOOD food,” Helene added. “Get your tickets now at as we can’t wait to see you all very soon for a fabulous foodie day out.  Don’t forget your mask so we can see your smiling eyes as you enjoy the Fair experience that we work hard to deliver all year round.”

You can see the official Government word on Alert Level 2 here:

Massive thanks to Kāpiti Food Fair 2021 Sponsors

PLATINUM: The Chris and Melinda Leatham Charitable Trust

GOLD: NZME Kāpiti News and The Hits 92.7

SILVER: Mike Pero Mortgages Zebunisso Alimova, SignCraft Kāpiti, Templeton Group, Tuatara Brewing

BRONZE: ANZ Paraparaumu, ANZIL, Bayleys Real Estate Wellington, Flightdec


Kāpiti Food Fair was established in 2008 as a community event with humble beginnings.  It is now privately owned and operated in a business partnership between Helene Judge and Jeanine van Kradenburg.  The vision of the Fair is about making a lasting impression in the minds and bodies of all foodies.  Their mission is to bring visitors into Kāpiti to experience ‘our place’ while having a fun, tasty day out with GOOD friends, GOOD times and GOOD food!



Helene Judge, 027 244 9585 or Jeanine van Kradenburg, 021 605 488 or contact >>

Helene and Jeanine

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